Fixing An Electric Motor That Is No Longer Working Correctly Or Has Stopped Altogether


Electric motors work using a series of wound copper wires inside the housing that control the direction of the motor by the way the power flows through the windings. A set of magnets is also part of the assembly and also affects directional control. Still, when the winding is damaged or burnt out, an electric motor rewind service may be able to refresh the motor for you.

Determining The Motor's Condition

The first step in repairing any electric motor is disassembling it to determine if an electric motor rewind will work. If the stator and other parts inside the case are in good condition, there is a good chance that the old windings can be removed, and a new winding can be created to replace the worn part. 

If there are worn bearings or the stator shaft is damaged, the motor shop can replace or repair the parts during the rebuild. The electric motor rewind may be the primary reason for opening the case, but doing only the rewind and not fixing other issues will eventually cause the motor to fail. If you believe there are other issues with the motor, let the shop doing the work on it know so that they can go through the entire motor and all the components for you. 

Most electric motor rewind services will create the winding for the motor in their shop by hand, but some windings can be purchased and installed premade. The biggest concern is that the winding you are getting is the right size and has the proper resistance for your motor, so having a service do the rewind manually is often a better option for most electric motors. 

Cost Of Motor Rewinding

The cost associated with an electric motor rewind is often significantly less expensive than purchasing a new motor. If you have a rare or older motor that is hard to find, rewinding the motor may be the only option you have. Most motor services rewind the motor by hand, so it can take some time to complete, but the cost of the materials used is often very low, so you are mainly paying for the expertise of the tech doing the work and the time they put into the job. 

If the motor has a complex winding inside, the cost could be a little higher than a standard motor. The best way to determine if the motor is worth putting the money into is to take it to the shop in your area and let them go through it thoroughly. Once the shop has a good idea of what the motor needs, they will tell you if an electric motor rewind is practical on your motor or if you should replace it with a new unit. 


4 April 2022

Conquering All Your Electrical Questions

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